
Riyo Imamura

Member Resolved


April 6, 2022
Please increase the number of files saved as the dispensing log

We found the dispensing log in the folder at C:\ProgramData\SCIEX\EchoMS\Data.

These files are valuable for us to check the dispensing status when something is wrong with the result, but now there are only 50 files there.

So we hope the number of files saved there to be about 50 to 1000 or more.

Thank you.


  1. Christie Hunter

    Thanks for the question!

    Yes the dispensing log is valuable. The file contains the Echo® MS system ejection information, which contains things like well position, ejection frequency, transfer timing, droplet ejection volume, what calibration file (AQ or SP) you are using, etc. This is useful to assess whether the ejection takes place properly during the analysis.
    See example below.
    Dispensing log

    Agree that the folder should be able to collect a much large number of files! I wanted to direct your attention to another region of the website where you can directly submit software feature requests!! These go directly to the product management team for consideration. Would you mind submitting your request to this webpage? Thanks! You have to login to your SCIEX Now account to submit your idea.

    See the user interface for submitting software feature requests below.
    Software feature requests

  2. Amanda Bergamin

    Hi Riyo,
    This sounds like a really important software upgrade that would be very valuable, if you submit the software feature update let me know so I can up vote it, so it becomes more visible and hopefully a higher priority to the Sciex software development team.

    My email is if you are interested in chatting more about the EchoMS, it woudl be great to chat with another fellow user.


  3. David Cox

    Hi Riyo,

    It won’t have as many details as the log files, but the qsession that is created during automatic processing of Echo data files contains a couple of columns with the status of the ejection for each sample. Those columns might have the details of the dispensing status that you are looking for.

    If you need more information, let me know (


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