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SCIEX Community

SCIEX Community

Microflow for metabolite ID: a win all around

Microflow for metabolite ID: a win all around

Over the last several years there has been a slow and steady progression within the LC-MS community to move traditional high-flow applications to lower flow rates. In particular, moving into the microflow regime has proven to be a simple adjustment in methodology that...

Turbo charging your LC-MS/MS analysis

Turbo charging your LC-MS/MS analysis

Would you like to take your LC-MS/MS analysis from 0 to 3 mL/min without the complexity of changing probes or splitting the LC flow? Then take a look into the Turbo V ion source from SCIEX. Introduced more than 15 years ago, the Turbo V ion source continues to be a...

Boar taint isn’t so simple

Boar taint isn’t so simple

  The title says it all. Boar taint is a complex subject. For some, it’s not an issue. Others argue that it’s one of the biggest challenges to pork quality. It’s a very subjective response. In her blog, Dr. Laura Hancox illustrates the striking difference between the...

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