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The metabolome: the way to personalized healthcare?

Read time: 15 minutes The completion of the human genome project in 2003 opened the door to unprecedented insight into the human body through its DNA code. We now know that our genome encodes our proteins, that our proteins are the molecular machinery of certain...

A Multi-Omics Database for Tomato Research and Breeding

  Ace. Beefsteak. Big Boy. Kumato. Early Girl. Roma. Sun Gold. San Marzano. These are just a few of the thousands of varieties of tomato plants available today. And while all of these varieties may be very different with respect to crop yield, disease resistance,...

Unraveling the Metabolome

Dr. David Wishart, Departments of Biological Sciences and Computing Science, University of AlbertaCanada’s TMIC is an internationally-recognized leader in metabolomics, providing tools and resources that are used by laboratories around the world. The center offers...

Data Independent Acquisition Mass Spectrometry with the Power of SWATH

Data Independent Acquisition Mass Spectrometry with the Power of SWATH

There are many different methods in use today to acquire data on a mass spectrometer, but few have generated as much buzz in recent years as SWATH technology. First reported 5 years ago by Ruedi Aebersold and his group1, SWATH® Acquisition on a TripleTOF® instrument has rapidly become one of the premier acquisition strategies for identification and quantitation of complex samples. But what exactly is SWATH and why is it so powerful? In order to answer these questions, let’s first take a step back and look at the larger picture.

Mass Spec Strategies for Plant Metabolomics

Mass Spec Strategies for Plant Metabolomics

The metabolome is the set of all low molecular weight compounds (typically less than ~2000 Da) that are present within an organism, tissue, or cell. Within the mass spectrometry (MS) community, the systematic and comprehensive analysis of the metabolome – i.e., metabolomics – has become an important and increasingly popular area of research. Because the metabolome is dynamic and ever-changing, it provides a snapshot into the state of the organism at the time of measurement. Compounds may appear or disappear, or quantities may change, depending on environmental factors and internal processes. Thus, the metabolome can be thought of as a unique chemical signature providing important information about the health and inner-workings of a biological system at any given moment in time.

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